在 12 月 18 日上午 10 点前订购,您的包裹将在今年离开我们的仓库。我们祝您圣诞快乐,并将于 1 月 6 日为您送达。 在 12 月 18 日上午 10 点前订购,您的包裹将在今年离开我们的仓库。我们祝您圣诞快乐,并将于 1 月 6 日为您送达。
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Expert Opinion concerning the SPINEFITTER

Expert Opinion concerning the SPINEFITTER

We have just received the opinion of Dagmar Mathis-Wiebe, manager of the keep in motion" Pilates Studios in Munich. She shared her experience with the SPINEFITTER by SISSEL® with us: 

Dagmar Mathis-Wiebe

"Since I had the chance to experience the newly launched SPINEFITTER by SISSEL® in a workshop, I am completely enthusiastic. I immediately ordered some SPINEFITTERs for the small group training in my Pilates studio and introduced the novelty to my team of trainers. My team was so enthusiastic that they each ordered their own SPINEFITTER. And so it went on with my clients. Once they were allowed to lie on it, they wanted to have this ingenious piece of equipment for themselves at home.

Pilates training on the SPINEFITTER is a highlight! The gentle massage of the fasciae and tense muscles in the area of the spine, shoulders and neck is super pleasant and the effect is lasting. Whether problems with the hips, shoulders or general back pain - the SPINEFITTER immediately provides relief, improved mobility and an all-round pleasant body feeling.

I am a convinced SPINEFITTER fan! Many thanks to Sissel for this really useful training device!"

- Dagmar Mathis-Wiebe

keep in motion PILATES STUDIO - Ausbildungsinstitut für den Deutschen Pilates Verband e.V.


Thank you very much for this very positive assessment, dear Dagmar!

First trade fair participation for the SPINEFITTER by SISSEL - visitors test the world innovation

First trade fair participation for the SPINEFITTER by SISSEL - visitors test the world innovation

Taipei, Taiwan. We are looking forward with great excitement to Taiwan, where the SPINEFITTER by SISSEL will be presented to a live audience for the first time starting tomorrow. At the ATLife 2021 from Thursday to Sunday, visitors can see for themselves how effective and intuitive the SPINEFITTER by SISSEL is.

Start into a somewhat different trade fair season

This year's trade fair season will also be characterised by profound changes to the usual routine. Accordingly, the hurdles are particularly high to demonstrate the advantages and principles of the SPINEFITTER by SISSEL to the (specialist) public in a practical test. Nevertheless, we are convinced that our world novelty will be well received and will gain its first fan base.

Further trade fairs are planned - we are looking forward to them

Apart from our presence in Taiwan, further dates with the SPINEFITTER by SISSEL are currently planned - you will of course find more details on this page in due time. In any case, we will comply with your request and offer you the opportunity to try out the SPINEFITTER by SISSEL for yourself as soon as possible.

ATLife Taipeh, Taiwan 2021 - die erste Messe, auf der der SPINEFITTER by SISSEL einem breiten Publikum vorgestellt wird


Available from our website from May 1st 2021 - the SPINEFITTER by SISSEL

巴特杜克海姆 它不经常发生,你可以参加一个真正的世界首演。 但是这个星期六,2021年5月1日下午2:14,您有机会体验SISSEL推出的SPINEFITTER。 几个月的开发和无数的质量和产品测试都在我们身后,我们都期待着spin fitter-产品系列和我们的运动热情的观众。


它SISSEL与旋转钳工设置酒吧到一个新的水平在后面、脖子和肩膀调动方面。 以前从未有过密集的按摩,神经点的深层刺激和温和的训练如此有效地结合在训练设备中的功能。 在这里,旋转钳工自我由我们的高品质标准塑造,坚固,直观和高效。


在运行中,家庭用户和专业客户都表达了他们对这个世界第一的兴奋-现在,终于,市场发布触手可及。 是其中第一个尝试了SPINEFITTER的有益效果和广泛的应用范围由SISSEL自己。 现在变得积极对抗背部疼痛,颈部紧张和肩部投诉。 迈出提高机动性、灵活性和 热情