/ 消息 / First trade fair participation for the SPINEFITTER by SISSEL - visitors test the world innovation
First trade fair participation for the SPINEFITTER by SISSEL - visitors test the world innovation

First trade fair participation for the SPINEFITTER by SISSEL - visitors test the world innovation

Taipei, Taiwan. We are looking forward with great excitement to Taiwan, where the SPINEFITTER by SISSEL will be presented to a live audience for the first time starting tomorrow. At the ATLife 2021 from Thursday to Sunday, visitors can see for themselves how effective and intuitive the SPINEFITTER by SISSEL is.

Start into a somewhat different trade fair season

This year's trade fair season will also be characterised by profound changes to the usual routine. Accordingly, the hurdles are particularly high to demonstrate the advantages and principles of the SPINEFITTER by SISSEL to the (specialist) public in a practical test. Nevertheless, we are convinced that our world novelty will be well received and will gain its first fan base.

Further trade fairs are planned - we are looking forward to them

Apart from our presence in Taiwan, further dates with the SPINEFITTER by SISSEL are currently planned - you will of course find more details on this page in due time. In any case, we will comply with your request and offer you the opportunity to try out the SPINEFITTER by SISSEL for yourself as soon as possible.

ATLife Taipeh, Taiwan 2021 - die erste Messe, auf der der SPINEFITTER by SISSEL einem breiten Publikum vorgestellt wird