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SPINEFITTER by SISSEL - between Burj Khalifa and Desert Tour

SPINEFITTER by SISSEL - between Burj Khalifa and Desert Tour

SPINEFITTER by SISSEL - between Burj Khalifa and desert tour

Finally we could present our SPINEFITTER by SISSEL internationally - and are back from the ArabHealth 2022 in Dubai!
Between the impressive Burj Khalifa and the beautiful desert landscape the
the SPINEFITTER has once again proven to be an optimal tool for our back health and a faithful and a loyal companion we wouldn't want to do without.



After the SPINEFITTER by SISSEL had already been enthusiastically received at the international trade fair MEDICA in Düsseldorf last year, the SPINEFITTER by SISSEL was likewise accepted and tested - and now it is also used for therapeutic applications.
In numerous practices, studios and in everyday life - we were pleased to be able to present the SPINEFITTER to our customers, medical professionals and interested parties in the Middle East on site.
We are particularly glad that our SPINEFITTER by SISSEL is now not only available in Europe, but also for our customers there - and it also attracted the full attention at the ArabHealth crowd!


First WORKSHOP in Dubai

Some took the opportunity to test the SPINEFITTER in a small workshop with a limited number of participants. To our delight, we were able to practise the most popular exercises such as Bridging, Cactus and Dead Bug on the SPINEFITTER and discover the SPINEFITTER together.
A special highlight and a little tip from us: the combination of the SPINEFITTER with the SPINEFITTER by SISSEL Linum - our heating and cooling pillow with linseed filling.


SPINEFITTER by SISSEL - in Europe, USA & the Middle East

As before, we would like to give our customers and interested parties around the world the opportunity to get to know our innovation live. Therefore, further presentations are planned abroad at international trade fairs. Of course, these will be presented in combination with the popular live or online workshops and training courses for optimal application. Let's train together!

If you too would like to share your enthusiasm for the SPINEFITTER, take part in our Affiliate Partner Programme, learn how to use the SPINEFITTER in our Workshops, come and visit us at a trade fair, become a physiotherapist SPINEFITTER by SISSEL Certified Instructor and pass on your knowledge.

You want to stay up to date? Become part of the international SPINEFITTER Community for a common training!

Gewinnspiel zum SPINEFITTER by SISSEL auf Gesundheit.com

SPINEFITTER by SISSEL Raffle on Gesundheit.com

Gewinnt 2x unseren SPINEFITTER und 2x unser SPINEFITTER Linum

Zur Zeit wird auf Gesundheit.com über Rückengesundheit und - in diesem Kontext - über den SPINEFITTER by SISSEL berichtet.

Gesundheit.com verlost passend dazu in einem Gewinnspiel 2x den SPINEFITTER by SISSEL sowie 2x das SPINEFITTER by SISSEL Linum.Hier kann man den entsprechenden Artikel besuchen und am Gewinnspiel teilnehmen.

Wir wünschen allen Teilnehmer*innen viel Glück bei dem Gewinnspiel und den zukünftigen Besitzer*innen eines SPINEFITTER bzw. SPINEFITTER Linum viel Spaß und gute Entspannung.

Neues Testimonial zum SPINEFITTER by SISSEL®

New Testimonial regarding the SPINEFITTER by SISSEL®

Michael Brunner vom SPIRIT STUDIO, Basel (Schweiz)hat uns von seiner Arbeit und seinen Erfolgen mit dem SPINEFITTER by SISSEL® berichtet:


"Der SPINEFITTER Workshop mit Nina war sehr interessant und erfrischend in der Art, wie sie den SPINEFITTER präsentiert. Das Feedback meiner Kunden/Patienten ist durchweg positiv. Als Trainer/Therapeut kann in jedem Fall eine Verbesserung der Bewegungsfreiheit sowie eine harmonischere Bewegung über die Wirbelsäule [...] direkt beobachtet werden. Dadurch kann ich die Funktionsketten besser und effizienter ansprechen [...]."

- Michael Brunner

SPIRIT STUDIO, Basel (Schweiz)


Lieber Michael, wir danken Dir herzlich für diesen Einblick in Deine Arbeit!